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When & Where to Vote

The information below is specific to Franklin County, Ohio, to the November 7, 2023 election.

Early In-person Voting 
Begins October 11
(Ends November 5)

Franklin County Early In-person Voting Location

Franklin County Board of Elections
1700 Morse Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43229


Dates & Hours (subject to change)
  • October 11 - 13
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • October 16 - 20
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • October 23 - 27
    8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • October 30
    7:30 AM - 7:30 PM

  • October 31
    7:30 AM - 8:30 PM

  • November 1 - 3
    7:30 AM - 7:30 PM

  • November 4
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

  • November 5
    1:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Note: The Franklin County Board of Elections refers to early in-person voting as "in-person absentee voting."

Source: Franklin County Board of Elections

Absentee Voting by Mail Begins October 11
(Ends November 6)

Request an Absentee Ballot 

To vote by mail with an absentee ballot you must first submit an Absentee Ballot Application. After you submit your application (see below for instructions), a ballot will be sent to you in the mail.


  1. Download, complete, print, and sign this application: Blank Absentee Ballot Application (PDF)

  2. Mail/drop off application - remember, this is your application to request a ballot, not your ballot!​​

    • By mail - must be received by board of elections by November 13
      Mailing address:
      Absentee Department Franklin County Board of Elections
      P.O. Box 182111
      Columbus, OH 43218-2111

    • In-person drop off - must be received by board of elections by November 7, 7:30 PM
      Drop-off location (24/7 secure drop box):
      Franklin County Board of Elections
      1700 Morse Road
      Columbus, OH 43229


Complete Your Mail-in Absentee Ballot 

You received your ballot in the mail, now what? Complete, sign, and deliver your ballot by the following dates. You can track your ballot here

  • By mail - postmarked no later than November 6 and received by Franklin County Board of Elections no later than August 12.

  • In-person - no later than 7:30 pm, November 7. May be delivered by you or a near relative.
    Drop-off location (24/7 secure drop box):

    Franklin County Board of Elections
    1700 Morse Road
    Columbus, OH 43229​


Requested But Didn't Receive Your Absentee Ballot? 

If you do not vote your absentee ballot (for any reason) and instead decide to go to your assigned polling place on Election Day, you must vote a provisional ballot. 

Still have questions?

Check out the Ohio Secretary of State Absentee Ballot FAQs.


Sources: Franklin County Board of Elections, Ohio Secretary of State

Find Your Polling Place & Sample Ballot

Go to the Franklin County Board of Elections website. Enter your address and click "search". A new page appears with your polling location, map, and directions. Scroll down to obtain your sample ballot.


Note: Your polling location is for Election Day, November 7 only. For in-person early voting, see the information above.

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